RJ 19/04/1989 Wednesday

RJ 19/04/1989 Wednesday

Went to the city centre with my mum yesterday afternoon to exchange some dollars and to go to the certified translator. My mum went to the National Library and I went home but got on the wrong bus and ended up in Engenho de Dentro! I was in the bus for 2.5 hours, totally lost, but I thought it was funny, what could I do? I went to the final stop (the bus was the 239) and carried on as I imagined it would eventually go past somewhere familiar. I went past UERJ and it was nearly time for class but I didn’t have my stuff on me…

I got home and called Keyla. She was in a car accident in Araras and cut her head, hand, eyebrow. The car was decimated but no one was seriously hurt (Marcelo, Kurtz, Silvia and Simone). I went to see her and she said she saw Gustavo in college (they are both studying to retake the vestibular in the same place) talking to a girl and playing with her hair… Ah, that’s why he doesn’t want anything serious! She thinks they’ve been together for a while. At first I was really jealous but then I just felt really disappointed with him! I won’t ask anything of him, as we have an open relationship but I’m going to step away slowly, because I can see myself getting even more hurt. I feel empty… I don’t want to just mess around. I’d rather he never calls me again!