RJ 19/02/1989 Sunday – Vestibular

RJ 19/02/1989 Sunday – Vestibular

Silvana called me last night and told me I came in 13th place in Portuguese/Literature. There were 30 places, I got 5397 points. That’s really good, sometimes I surprise myself!

Me, Zezé and Maira went to visit grandad yesterday late afternoon. He had taken some medication to help him sleep the night before because he simply hadn’t slept a wink since carnival!. He was very slow yesterday. They gave him a horse dosage. He shouldn’t depend on these medications. He looked like he smoked one and was tripping.

This morning me, Gil, Zezé and Maira Humongous Belly went to Barra. On the way back Maira and Gil started arguing. They only talk to each other to fight. The almighty macho concluded because Maira depends on him she has to do what he says. He thinks Gabriel shouldn’t have gone to Fortaleza with Jeison. How could Maira deny a father’s right? And a son? They adore each other. No, Zezé and Gil think they are the only ones who love and have rights over Gabriel. How can someone who reads so much and claims to be spiritually enlightened be so ignorant? Maira also does a lot of stupid things. It’s like they are enemies. Gil is a disgusting sexist and Maira is a radicalist. What a crazy family! It’s fucked up being financially dependent having to hear everything Maira has to hear, if I was her I couldn’t cope. But she has no way of supporting two kids, so she has to put up with it.

When I got home from the beach Luciana called. Then Marcos. I wanted to see him but I felt so lazy. Marcos was a bit upset but what could I do? It’s his fault for staying in the arse end of the world.