RJ 18/02/1989 Saturday – Vestibular

RJ 18/02/1989 Saturday – Vestibular

I passed the 1st phase at UERJ. I saw it in the newspaper today. To pass I needed a global average of 4 and I got 4.78. What a relief!!!

I went to Ana’s yesterday afternoon. The results were out yesterday afternoon, but you had to go to UERJ. When I was leaving Antonio, who had arrived from work, went with me, from newsagent to newsagent to see if the ‘Folha Dirigida’ had been delivered but no! He then walked with me halfway home and asked me out tonight, I made up an excuse and said I couldn’t. I hate it when a guy likes me and I don’t like him back. It’s a pain in the arse! Everything he does to please me just seems ridiculous. How I wish I liked him!
Before getting to Ana’s I went to the bank to collect the money my father sent me and paid the last of what I owed school. My official results certificate will be ready on the 20th.

Renata called me in the evening! The one whose place I stayed last July. She vanished and now she’s back. How nice. Best of all was Marcos, he’s in Rio again and arrived the day before yesterday. Gabi went to Fortaleza with Jeison for a week now and Carla is back with Ruy (WHY? I can’t believe it.)