RJ 17/09/1989 Sunday

RJ 17/09/1989 Sunday

Today, when I least expected it, I got a call from Gustavo. Usual conversation… I felt a bit fluttered and that’s a bad sign, a sign he still has some power over me, but nothing will change my plans: On his 1st attempt to get together I’m cutting him off. After the last time we were together and after some reflexion I noticed he just uses me to satisfy himself and is incapable of showing any tenderness (he didn’t use to be like this…), for that reason from now on it’s just friendship and I’ll tell him the first chance I get. Funny, I had barely thought about Gustavo, but yesterday he’s on my mind all day. To keep busy I started reading a book by Simeron yesterday morning and finished it today. On Friday, as well as remembering Rodrigo I missed Gino terribly and had a feeling he was also thinking about me. It’s strange how for no reason you suddenly start thinking about people that should be banished from your mind. Why is that? Gino was so important in my life! Also Gustavo. And, for sure, Rodrigo!