RJ 17/07/1989 Monday – Copa América final at Maracanã

RJ 17/07/1989 Monday – Copa América final at Maracanã

Brazil 1 x 0 Uruguay.

Thirty nine years later we gave them a test of their own medicine! Yesterday me, Ana, Mauro, Claudio and some of Ana’s relatives went to Maracanã at 14:30. We watched the semi-final first: Paraguay vs. Argentina. It was a draw and this gave Argentina 3rd place. Slowly Maracanã filled up until 148,000 were compressed inside. I’ve never seen so many people together in one place.

We did the Ola (Mexican wave) lots of times. Maracanã full with everyone supporting the same team is a SPECTACLE! You have to see to believe. The match wasn’t that great but it lifted spirits. Maracanã was the best example of catharsis I’ve ever seen. Indescribable! I couldn’t have died without experiencing it! After the match me, Ana, Claudio and Mauro went to the bakery, bought 10 beers, ham, fizzy drinks, bread and ate. All of this with Claudio trying to get together with me. Fucking hell! Another one I had to be rude to! I hate these emotional mismatches where Fulano likes Sicrano who likes Beltrano who likes no one. It’s weird but I don’t want to be with anyone, only Gino. Or maybe the right guy hasn’t come along, but Claudio is such a nice guy! I need someone like him, tender, mature, intelligent, kind. But I felt no desire to have anything to do with him. Am I getting cold?