RJ 17/03/1989 Friday – University enrolment

RJ 17/03/1989 Friday – University enrolment

Yesterday and today were a marathon! It was pre-enrollment at UERF/UFRJ/CEFET. Me, Ana and Silvana were there at 10am. Ana is doing Law, Silvana is doing Graphic Design and I’m doing Language Studies & Literature. Their enrollment time was morning and mine was afternoon. Ana left with her dad and Silvana stayed with me. To kill time we took a bus ride around the Fundão and got to know the whole campus. We ate and at around 1 they started enrolling for Medicine, Physics, IT, Maths, Psychology, Pedagogy, Languages, etc. I got home at 15:30 and went out again to get my Electoral Title. I went to the street on the address, walked up and down and I couldn’t find the fucking place. I had walked there so I ended up walking 6km, or something like that, I walked nonstop for 1.5 hours. I was shattered when I got home.

This morning Maira and I went to the centre of town. We went to the certified translator to have my documents translated and it cost 128 new cruzados! As I didn’t have the money we had to leave. My mum just costs me money!

We met Zezé at Banerj and went to Saens Peña, where I got the protocol for my electoral title [NOTE: so much bureaucracy!]. On the bus – just me and Maira, Zezé had gone earlier – someone threw a bottle at the window where we were sitting. It smashed against the window and we got soaked in liquid. My heart nearly exploded! Imagine if one of the shards of glass hit Maira???

Kiko called me to invite me to a party tomorrow! YES! It seems everyone is going. He asked me to invite Ana and I called Gustavo, as he lives near her, asked him to tell her. He said he called me once and the phone was engaged all the time… I was cold and he was all tender, and we left it at that.

This night was crazy. First I dreamt that everyone from school was in Araras, and I was with Gustavo. So nice! I then woke up, went to toilet and slept again. Then I dreamt I was in Brasilia and everyone was watching me and Gino arguing, then he started crying and I felt sorry for him and we had sex, in my house. I woke up with a strong feeling we had been together.