RJ 16/07/1989 Sunday

RJ 16/07/1989 Sunday

Last night me, Ana, Mauro, Claudio, Paula and Michel went to the said party at Goes Monteiro (street where Gustavo lives). There was hardly anyone there and it was boring! We left at 23:00 and went to Mauro’s watch Maguila’s fight which lasted 1.5 rounds. He got punched on the 2nd round and passed out, totally stiff. I felt sorry for him, even though I think boxing is a stupid man’s game. It’s not even an animal sport, because animals don’t fight for money. We played Sueca and I got home at 1:00am. I finally met Mauro’s famous brother, Marcelo. He’s 29 years old. Ana told me he was engaged to get married but changed his mind. Can you believe that?

I’m going to Ana’s soon and from there we go to Maracanã watch Brazil vs. Uruguay!