RJ 16/05/1989 Tuesday

RJ 16/05/1989 Tuesday

Why have I been writing with a pen? I’m tired of writing with pencil, after all it’s been nearly 5 years writing a diary, almost always with a pencil.

Everything is going well at Brasas. My English is more advanced than most people in the class and I’m finding it easy. The teacher, Fred, is really nice and cute. I went to grandad’s after class to meet my mum, she gave me 200USD and 170crz as she’s going to Brasilia on Thursday. I’m having the cauterization done but my period which was due on the 9th has not showed up. I don’t think there’s any chance of being pregnant, I only had sex twice since my last period, once on the 6th day and the other on the 22nd day, with a condom. I’m not worried despite it being the 36th day, my cycle is usually around 27 days. It would be tremendously bad luck if I was pregnant.

So this money my mother gave me has to last until she comes back in September, to pay for cauterization, Brasas, bus… Putting it with the money my father gives me there’s more than enough. I bought 1 pair of trousers and 2 shirts yesterday. I’m such a consumerist, I need to reign in for something worthwhile, like going to Brasilia.

I went to exercise class, then university in the evening and ALEXANDRA called me. I couldn’t believe it! I didn’t recognise her voice, it’d been so long. She said her party, on the 27th, was excellent, but Renata, the slut, got off with Piolho. Alexandra was furious. She stopped studying and isn’t doing anything much with her life. I wish I could see her see some sense because she’s the most incredible, nicest person I’ve ever met and she deserves better than getting pissed every weekend and guys who only interested in her for sex. She still hasn’t had a boyfriend! She is an amazing, beautiful girl!

I called Keyla yesterday but she didn’t answer because… This is what Valeria said: I think she’s sleeping, she’ll call you after dinner. She never called back. Ana called me this morning, she pops up every now and then.