RJ 15/06/1989 Thursday

RJ 15/06/1989 Thursday

It’sunny again in Rio, but it’s cold (18c, during the day). It’s even colder at night and I enjoy it.

When I got home from UERJ last night, Antonio rang and we were on the phone for ages. I was straight with him: we can hang out but I’m not getting together with him because I don’t feel that way about him.

University will break up on the 30th, a shame as it’s been great. I found an incentive to go to class: Luiz. He sat next to me in Portuguese. He’s so charming and intelligent! But I think he’s into Marilia and I won’t have time to develop anything further, as I’m locking my course after this period to go to England. A real shame. Me, Cristiane, Ana, Marilia, Luciana, Daniel, Isaias, Luiz, Marcio, Ana, etc, are planning on having a picnic one of these weekends. If it happens it’ll be awesome.