RJ 15/01/1989 Sunday – Vestibular

RJ 15/01/1989 Sunday – Vestibular

Hi! The day rose after Sarney announced the New Cruzado plan and everyone had nightmares about it. Everyone is wondering will it work? No one understands what’s going to change and how, economist’s jargon is Greek to the Brazilians. This crazy economy is so confusing. I think it’s ok for us to suffer temporarily and then for things to improve and we get out of this shit. But it never gets better and wages never have a real value. Damned Adam Smith for starting all this!

Barbosa came here on Saturday night and we went to Keyla to see if she wanted to join us. Kiko and Alan were at her place! As well as Gabi, Silvana and Marcelinha. It rained a lot, we didn’t have a car and we just stayed there chatting, really bored. Alan is great, shame about his girlfriend. He treats me normally as if Ana never said anything to him, how kind! We stayed there till 23:30.

Yesterday I did UERJ’s exams (Physics, Chemistry, Maths and Biology). It went well and I might even pass. If I get into UERJ! I’ll kill myself with joy! I bumped into Alan on the way out and we talked for an hour, waiting for Evly and Keyla. Evly finished and no sign of Keyla and I got tired of waiting and went home. Keyla had already left15 minutes before I got out, and left without me!

I got home, had a shower and went to Keyla’s for us to go out. We were waiting for Barbosa and Marcelo, I went to the toilet and… I broke the whole thing. The toilet just collapsed and fell on the floor. It was hilarious! Off we went to clean it up. This one is going down in history.

We went to Silvana’s and finally we managed to go out at midnight: me, Keyla, Barbosa, Marcelo, Silvana, Gisele, Gabi, Marcelinho and Renata. There were enough cars to fit everyone in and we went to Barra, then Botafogo, where we spent ages looking for a bar. I drank one caipivodca and I was drunk! Kadu Moliterno (actor) showed up in a pickup with 4 girls. What a playboy!

I got back home at 3:40, everything was spinning. Barbosa flirted with everyone and then tried to get off with me, no chance, I beat him up (mulhermacho!) I woke up at 8 am with a hangover from hell.