RJ 14/10/1989 Saturday

RJ 14/10/1989 Saturday

FINALLY, my mother arrived from Brasilia! She stayed at Zezé’s and then went to Friburgo, to relax. I’m going tomorrow to say goodbye to Maira, Gabriel, Julia, Mrs Nina and Claudio. I can’t stay with my mother for any length of time without an argument. Sometimes it feels like I’m her mother… We made plans regarding what I’ll be doing in London, but she’s too controlling and I can’t live without her!

I called Luciana but she wasn’t home. Gino called me in the evening because he thought I was leaving for Madrid tomorrow. I asked him to wait for me and he said he will. Then I said he was just saying it but he said he always did what he said he’d do, and it was me who didn’t stick to my word. But waiting for 2 years isn’t that simple, things happen… He said he missed me…

Later Luciana called, in a bit of state, thinking I was leaving tomorrow too. She left a party to go home to call me and it could have waited… I am sure we will be sisters forever! I love that little one so much!