RJ 14/07/1989 Friday – Happiness

RJ 14/07/1989 Friday – Happiness

Happiness is real, did you know that? I had known it, but hadn’t met it for a long time. I’ve never felt so complete and content. Why? Could it be because I’m going to Brasilia? No, it’s not. I realised I can be happy anywhere as long as I stay positive. I must be strong!

I went to Brasas in the morning but Fred didn’t show up and there was no class. I went to grandad’s to pick up a suitcase for my trip. Grandad was very nice! I didn’t go to exercise class in the afternoon and bought myself a pair of trousers and paid some bills for my aunt at Bradesco. I picked up a film to watch: Empire of the Sun.

Just now I called my beloved Gino. He says he hasn’t had sex with anyone for a year, no wonder he’s so desperate to see me. I really deserve such a nice boy. It was lucky for me that no one showed up on the scene. Sometimes I feel sad that I’m going and that I’m going to lose him, not because he’ll meet someone, but because I’ll forget him. I wanted a life with him but the distance will ruin it!