RJ 14/04/1989 Saturday

RJ 14/04/1989 Saturday

Yesterday I went to meet up with my mum and we went shopping, clothes and food. We had lunch then I went to pay for the Academy but I didn’t do the class as my stomach was still very full. Me and my mum came home and aunt Italy was here. She’s 70 years old and is very beautiful. I hope I’m like her when I get old! We talked and talked and I missed class. Everyone went home and me and Maira stayed here.

I called Gustavo and he said he was going to a party and that he’d call me today, but he didn’t call… Every time he does this I tell myself I don’t care, he has his life and I have mine and that there’s nothing serious between us. I have to be cold and rational but I keep thinking about him all the time.

I had a complicated dream with Gino and Gustavo last night, but the essence of it was that I had to choose between them. First I chose Gino, but I saw Gustavo and he was in bed, sick and I chose him, but later I was with Gino. There were lots of people, it was a party, even Henrique was there. Then I dreamt there was a penis growing on me, it was shocking… What a trip!

My aunt and uncle are going to spend the holiday at Rio das Ostras, and my mum will stay here.

Today I washed dishes all day and Julia didn’t stop crying.