RJ 13/04/1989 Thursday

RJ 13/04/1989 Thursday

We went to the airport to pick my mum up in the morning. It was crazy when we saw each other, we hugged for ages. Then Zezé went to work, we dropped my mum’s bags at Gennaro’s and came to Zezé’s place. Maira, Claudio and Julia were here. My mum brought After Eight chocolates and I stuffed my face. We already argued because of cigarettes.

Gustavo called at 15:00, in a bad way, nearly crying and I ordered him to come over. He said he’d come, then that he wouldn’t, then that he’d come, then he put the phone down. Then he called saying he wasn’t coming and I told him to come. Gustavo is afraid of life! He came but didn’t want to go upstairs so we sat at the entrance. I tried to talk about different subjects and he laughed a bit and relaxed and he even wanted to go up and meet Julia (my mum was sleeping). We stayed upstairs until my aunt arrived and went downstairs again for a bit then he went home. He’s becoming too dependent on me, and me on him…

My mum started saying that I keep helping him and I get nothing back… Jesus, she really is an idiot. I adore him and seeing him again is all I need in exchange for my help!

I missed class yesterday due to laziness but when I got there today I found out it had been cancelled anyway. Lucky! I almost fell asleep in Literature class…

My grandad is being a pain, I don’t even want to talk to him. [NOTE: this was probably the start of his dementia? He declined over the next few years and died on Christmas day, 1996 on my aunt’s lap on the way to hospital]

Ah, yes, today was one of the best days I’ve had in ages!