RJ 13/01/1989 Friday

RJ 13/01/1989 Friday

Gustavo called in the morning and said he was coming to see me. I went out to buy meat, called him when I got back (he left a message asking me to call him) and he said he couldn’t come as he was waiting for a call from a friend he’s going to Cabo Frio with and asked me to go over to his place. I was feeling lazy and didn’t want to go. Then he arranged to meet me in school at 5, I said I wasn’t going but then decided to go, but I fell asleep and never made it. He’s going today at 19:30. He knows Gino should have called me and hasn’t, and he keeps saying Gino is dead… I hate him! If Gino hurts as much as a little finger I’ll kill Gustavo because he keeps cursing him, saying bad stuff happened to him, all the time.

Maira and Gabi arrived today from Friburgo, she’s 6 months pregnant already, with a big belly!