RJ 12/10/1989 Thursday

RJ 12/10/1989 Thursday

I went to Ana’s this afternoon, she called me yesterday with THE STORY. Something shocking happened with her! For quite a while she had been cheating on Mauro with Barbosa. On Friday she called me asking me to tell her mother (in case she asked) that we were going to the cinema, so she could go out with Mauro. Except she was going out with Barbosa I later found out. So, yeah, they went out to a motel, did all they had rights to do and Ana went home. Things weren’t going so well between her and Mauro and she told him EVERYTHING that happened with Barbosa. Then Mauro gave her the biggest proof of his love that I’ve ever seen: He cried and he was desperate. He gave her flowers, forgave everything and told her to finish everything with Barbosa. Ana thought he was going to end it all with her but instead he said he can’t live without her! It was beautiful! She said she’ll never see Barbosa again but I could sense that she still likes him. When I was there today Barbosa phoned and Ana said they need to talk. I can really feel she likes him but she won’t let go of Mauro. We went to Saens Peña around 18:00 looking at rings, as they want to get married! Mauro is studying and working… Not so long ago he was doing nothing at all. Love changes everything! I got home at 20:30.

I took a film to be developed today, full of exotic photos, as well as people: aquarium, me in the mirror, of the flat. I hope they all come out!