RJ 12/04/1989 Wednesday

RJ 12/04/1989 Wednesday

She arrives tomorrow! In the morning. So I said Zezé had to say enough, because everything falls on her. Well, she decided to take it out on me. Yesterday I was typing my Portuguese coursework so I didn’t tidy up the flat very well. When she got back she started complaining and I answered back. I couldn’t understand why all the fuss over nothing. I told her I’m not her punch bag and I’m the only person who tries to help her out. I was upset because we never argued like this and I cried. As for her? Nothing, she didn’t even care. This is Maira’s fault! I’ve always tried to not feel stressed in this family and this disturbing atmosphere but I couldn’t escape this time.

I went to UERJ sobbing. Half way through Linguistics class some people came in calling the class to do a sit-in and demand Ivo (the Head) to keep the promises he made during the election. No one moved but I was already out the door! A bit later more people came out but only because the teacher stopped the class. We got 100 people together, not a lot, but many people didn’t want to go. We got down to the office and there were 200 people already there. It was packed, lots of people couldn’t get in. Then we realised it was a waste of time and went up to the next lesson. In truth I wanted to stay downstairs but everyone I knew was leaving and I didn’t want to be there on my own! But I loved the protest.