RJ 12/03/1989 Sunday

RJ 12/03/1989 Sunday

Me, Zezé, Emilia and Gil went to the beach. I couldn’t resist. The sea was fierce! I’ve never seen the waves so big in Barra. Even the surfers didn’t dare go near them, they were too powerful. I barely sunbathed and I only went in the water once and it was really pulling you in. Too dangerous.

My mum called in the evening and said something disheartening. She said there are two ways of me getting into England:
1st as a tourist, having to leave every 6 months, being unable to study or work.
2nd as a student. But this costs money, 4000 dollars a year, all paid upfront. Where will I get this kind of money? Nowhere, is where.

This is because I’m going to be 18 and considered independent and won’t be able to enter as my mother’s dependent. Now I’m totally worried that I won’t be able to go to London… For fucks sake!