RJ 12/01/1989 Thursday

RJ 12/01/1989 Thursday

It’s my mum’s birthday today (44 years old). I’ve been missing her!

Last night after I wrote here, I called Gustavo but it was engaged. When I finally got through I gave up before he answered. He must have read my thoughts and called me today at lunchtime. He was mad at me because I didn’t call him on his birthday. As I knew he’d gone out at night (Ana told me) I made up that I called on Sunday but he was out. He believed me and was happy. He’s going to Cabo Frio tomorrow and gets back on Tuesday. I’m missing him too!

I went to inorganic chemistry class at 1:30. I got 72% on Tuesday’s exam. I was tearing my hairs out today as I needed 88%, but today’s exam was easy peasy and I think I got 90%. Monica is going to allow everyone who got more than 50% and handed completed the assignment pass, therefore: I HAVE FINISHED SECONDARY SCHOOL! I’M FREE! THANK GOD! I WANT EVERYTHING TO GO TO FUCK! What a relief, man! I really thought I might fail… The official results aren’t out until the 18th.

I got home at 6 and Cazzo, who had vanished, called me to go out, with Manuela. I went to Manuela’s at Rua Uruguay. She hasn’t changed much. Shame Paula has already gone back to Brasilia. Her parents dropped us off at Erva Doce. Cazzo and his gang were there. We went home early because Manuela’s parents are full of shit. For Cazzo and his gang the night was still young.