RJ 11/09/1989 Monday

RJ 11/09/1989 Monday

We arrived back from Friburgo yesterday at 23:00. I went to the city to exchange some dollars and buy a ticket for my mum (Cuiaba-Brasilia). After that I exercised for 2 hours.

I argued with Maira over something stupid and I told her I’m NEVER setting foot in the house she thinks is hers, where I’m visiting and I have to accept whatever she offers me (her words). All because I didn’t want to sleep on a small 150cm sofa, hard and uncomfortable. Before going I told Zezé I wasn’t sleeping on it and I was sleeping on Gabriel’s bed until Sat. Gabi peed on the sofa and they were changing the seats, meanwhile he went and peed on the bed I was sleeping on. Maira asked if I didn’t mind sleeping on the sofa as the sheets were wet, I said I didn’t but I pulled a face. Then I took the wet sheet from the bed and put on another one. Maira was super offended by the way I changed the sheet! Did she want me to sleep on the piss so she had less clothes to wash? Wasn’t she going to wash it? Anyway, I’m tired of this ridiculous subject. In the end she was saying that I use her and Zezé, that I’m cold, don’t care about them… Cheap emotional blackmail. She talked and talked, absurdities and now I’m done. I won’t talk to her until she licks my feet. And as she said I’m not her friend I’ll show what I’m like when I’m NOT a friend. Just wait! She needs to learn to hold her tongue back because she says whatever she likes to Zezé, hurtful things, and it’s fine. She’s the one who’s cold, manipulative and plays with people. But I’m not having it!

I still haven’t been to UERJ, I just can’t be bothered.

Good news. There are building works on Rita’s flat and the baby (Tiago) was born. He had to be taken out as Rita’s pressure was extremely high, so he came out 3 weeks early. Because of the building works in her room she’ll stay here. Do you know what that means? WAGNER! No, he’s not staying here, sadly, but he’ll come here to see his mum and baby brother, surely? Last Tuesday I went up there to borrow some flour and he was in the living room, sensually breaking a wall and he asked me if I went there to help. I laughed and said no. Our conversations are so deep… You could make a film where nothing ever happens out of our dialogues. I borrowed the flour and left.