RJ 11/03/1989 Saturday

RJ 11/03/1989 Saturday

Marcos called yesterday, he’s still in Rio, and he asked if I was going to see A-ha. We were on the phone for ages. Gabriel arrives back from Fortaleza tomorrow. Antonio called at 19:00 asking me out to the cinema, I said I didn’t know and he asked me to call back in an hour with an answer. I called Gustavo, he said he did himself in at the A-ha show: he drank, smoked and sniffed too much loló. He lost everyone, went home alone, got on the wrong bus… He said he just one stupid shit after another. He said he was still feeling shit today and couldn’t go out.

I didn’t call Antonio, so he called me back and I said I didn’t want to go out.

I’m so bored!