RJ 10/07/1989 Monday

RJ 10/07/1989 Monday

Happy Days! I feel like a feather, light and free. A flowering garden. I can’t describe this sensation of peace! I depend only on myself to be happy.

I went to the Banco Mercantil after Brasas to pay for the English course. Daylight robbery! I also paid Rogerio and Paulo. I did my exercise class and took a COLD shower, I always do, but today was really cold! I went to UERJ straight from the academy to enrol for the 2nd period. Can you believe it that to lock my studies I first have to enrol? So bureaucratic. I met Ana Lucia, Daniel and Marcio as soon as I got there and then… tchan, tchan, tchan… Luiz Fidelis. He looked so very cute today! We took the same lift down and I nearly kissed him. As I don’t feel insecure around him I just flirt naturally with him. And it works! But when I really like someone it’s a different story. I feel really self conscious and awkward. Luiz was just an inconsequential flirt.

Keyla and Soraya came here at 18:00, I missed them. What a good day I had today! I think I’m getting a haircut tomorrow. I THINK!