RJ 10/05/1989 Wednesday – English at Brasas

RJ 10/05/1989 Wednesday

I started English at Brasas today. I woke up at 6:00am and went there. The class was fun. The teacher is young (around 28 years old) and really nice. I was smiling all the way through. I think I’m one of the youngest in the class.

I went to the gynaecologist yesterday for a checkup and she gave me the great news that I have to have a cauterization. The issue is very minor now but she suggested treating it now to avoid it getting worse later in life. I can’t understand why I have this at such a young age. She said it’s probably a hormonal dysfunction and stress… That’s all I needed. When my mum found out how much it costs (130crz) she nearly had a baby, but it has to be done. I might do it this month, after my period. [NOTE: this probably saved me from developing cervical cancer later in life!]

I didn’t go to university on Monday. Yesterday one of Gorbachev’s aid was giving a lecture about Perestroika at UERJ and we didn’t have Linguistics class. I was talking to Ana Lucia, Daniel and Marilia, the people I’m closest to in the course, until the sleepy Literature class. Even TV is filming the lecture.

My dear aunt, who’s going mad and neurotic (maybe she’s always been this way?) started to create intrigue, she complains about me to my mother, instead of just talking to me. I never said anything about the stupid things she did to me, never complained about anything. She complained about such minor things to my mum that it can only be because she has nothing better to do. Then I opened my mouth and complained about all the stupid day to day things that are irritating but don’t really matter and I get over them without having to do what she did. As if it wasn’t bad enough dealing with grandad, now this.