RJ 10/01/1989 Tuesday – Vestibular

RJ 10/01/1989 Tuesday – Vestibular

Got up at 5:30, met up with Ana and we got the ferry to Niteroi. Silvana and Renata were on the same ferry. The History exam was fucked up hard! I checked the answers of the UERJ exams on the newspapers and I got more than 5 in all the 4 exams (the average is 4). UERJ is my university of choice, it’s free and it’s near Zezé). Took the ferry back with Silvana and met Daniela and Alan. Silvana and I went to Ipanema straight from Praça XV. The beach was filthy because of yesterday’s rain and we couldn’t swim. As it’s impossible to bear the heat without swimming we went back home, but before leaving we laughed a lot at the tourists. They are very exotic! If I was a tourist I wouldn’t spend a penny in Rio, it’s very ugly and uncared for.

Got home at 13:30, rested, showered and went to school, this time for inorganic chemistry. We had an exam today and it was so so. I got 58 on Monica’s exam. I need 80% to pass…

After the vestibular exams
Na barca (ferry) Rio-Niteroi with Deo

Gino should have arrived yesterday and called me but I heard nothing! I wonder what happened?