RJ 09/10/1989 Monday

RJ 09/10/1989 Monday

Last night I threw my silly pride out the window, called Brasilia and talked to Gino. For starters he said he came looking for me at Luciana’s but I wasn’t there. He then went to his house and waited for me until midnight! Why didn’t he go to the hot dog stand, it’s a 2 minute walk? He had borrowed a car for us to go out. We are both such idiots! Me for not calling him (but he didn’t like going out with the gang) and him for not looking harder for me. If he wasn’t such a fool he would have gone to the hot dog stand to look for me. I was annoyed with him, because on Friday (the one with the tennis open) he was being a bore, ignoring me all the time! Of course I wasn’t going to call him! He spent the whole day at his dad’s on Sunday and said he lost Luciana’s number… mmm… He said I showed a lack of consideration, that I don’t like him, that I stepped on the ball and so on. He was right, except for me not liking him but I let him get it all out. And because I didn’t call him on his birthday that was another grievance he talked about. I really stepped on the ball, what an idiot! He was really upset!

Then he told me what he’d been up to: Rowing every morning and studying to retake the UNB exams. There’s a rowing championship on the 22nd and he’s going to compete. His eldest brother, Ina, is penta champion here in Rio. Maybe he also has a talent for it? Well, all the talking took an hour! And I had confirmation that there’s something very STRONG between us, but now it’s going to have to wait for a couple of years for us to know if it’s real or just lust… Until we meet again, my love!