RJ 09/06/1989 Friday – Gynaecologist visit

RJ 09/06/1989 Friday – Gynaecologist visit

Fred had a motorbike accident and we didn’t have English class on Wednesday. He showed up today with a bandaged hand and a limp. Marta took an orange and sweets (she didn’t have any apples at home) and put it on his table. It was funny.

I learned that if I walk back from Brasas it takes only around 35 minutes (around 3-4km). I’m going to start walking there too. The money I save in a week allows me to buy 3 packs of cigarettes and send 3 letters. As well as getting some free exercise. I always walk to UERJ (2km) but I take a bus back because it’s late and dangerous. When I’m back in exercise class (from Monday) I’ll walk there and get the bus back, otherwise I’ll miss UERJ. This means I’ll be walking 8km a day on Mon/Weds/Fri, although it’s not all at once so not very useful. But every little helps.

I went to the gynaecologist for the 4th and final dressing. She said I can exercise but no swimming yet. From now on I can apply the Albocresil and I’ll go back in a month for a final checkup. And I’ll have the cleanest vagina in the world! Emilia said one is so clean after cauterization it’s super easy to get pregnant (HUH? How?)…

Gabriel came back from his other grandma’s house and Gina came here. She’s 100% better in the last couple of months. A different person from when I last saw her on the 29th of Jan. Gabriel kicked me and I slapped him hard and everyone got mad at me. No one understands I’m still a bit of a child and sometimes I have no patience. They can get fed up with him but I can’t. I left Maria lecturing and went to the bank to pay some bills for Zezé. I went to the post office, chemist, ice cream place and the baker.

Children (Gabriel) are something mad! Right now we are best friends.