RJ 09/04/1989 Sunday

RJ 09/04/1989 Sunday

Ana came here and we went to Martins at noon, but no one had arrived. At 14:30 everyone was there: Barbosa, Kiko, Sherlock, Flavio, Allan, Gisele, Silvana, Indio… Paula, Mauro and Monica were the adults. There were lots of people from the other classes, about thirty people. I played volleyball, football, ate, talked to people, but I was really bored. Almost everyone had gone by 17:00 and Keyla showed up. I was desperate to leave at 18:00 and Sherlock drove me home, I don’t know why, as I live nearby, but he insiste

Gustavo called at 18:30 saying he decided to sleep over and was arriving at 22:30. Then Marcos called (he’s still in Rio) saying Aninha is pregnant but will have an abortion… Then Keyla rang saying me, her, Silvana, Allan, Kiko and Barbosa were going to go to Canja to have a few drinks. I asked her to call me later, then Gustavo called saying he didn’t want to go out, Keyla called back and I said I wasn’t going out and they ended up not going out either.

Gustavo arrived with lots of weed, to give and sell. He was in great spirits. How easy for him to get out of a crisis! I preferred him sad, now he’s the usual arrogant playboy. We smoked a lot! We always argue when we smoke, it’s shit! We smoked and made love three times, it was great. But we are so different. Me and Gino too but the differences aren’t an issue. I don’t know much but one thing is for sure: it would never work if we went out together properly. This is a bad case of physical attraction!