RJ 09/01/1989 Monday – Vestibular

RJ 09/01/1989 Monday – Vestibular

On Sunday I did the UFF exam, 2nd phase. Portuguese, Literature and Spanish and it went well (I wonder if I’ll pass) I got 83 points in the 1st phase… Marco phoned me again, he might come back here, I hope so!

Monica gave us a horrible assessment! I don’t think I’m going to pass the resit…

Today was the 1st phase exam for UERJ/UFRJ/CEFET (more exams tomorrow at UFF, this is intense!). Today the exam was Portuguese, Spanish, History and Geography. Everyone was there. Barbosa called me while I was out and I called him back. I miss Osa!

[NOTE: Vestibular is the stressful series of exams for people who want to go to University in Brazil. FOR EACH university you might want to go to you need to do a half or full day of tests. You have to try to get into multiple universities as competition can be very high for vacancies, especially in the free universities. There’s often a 1st phase of multiple choice exams, followed by a more specialised essay format exam in the area you’re applying for. Nobody enjoys this process, it’s just horrible. This is what the last 3 years in school are mostly about, getting ready for these exams]