RJ 08/10/1989 Sunday

RJ 08/10/1989 Sunday

Sunday boring Sunday…
Maira decided not to leave Gabriel with Jeison and after much debate everyone went to Friburgo and I was completely on my own. I only went out to buy food and cigarettes yesterday. I exercised from 15:00-17:00. I recorded a few tapes to take to London: Capital, Paralamas, Biquini Cavadão…

Alexandra called me on Friday! Alexandra and Luciana are the most important people I left behind in Brasilia! She said she went sunbathing at Gino’s dad’s house and, inevitably, they talked about me. He said I vanished and didn’t even say goodbye to him. He’s the one who vanished! We were both fools! Ok, let me go, I’m frying some chips for lunch!