RJ 08/07/1989 Saturday

RJ 08/07/1989 Saturday

I watched lots of films, it’s mine and the family’s new favourite pastime. Gino called, we dreamt about each other last night, which happens often, but our dreams were very different. In his dream we were at the beach, together… A good dream. In my dream, as in so many, I only see him from a distance and can’t get close to him. Agonising! I want to have a nice dream with him, but it hardly ever happens! I just have these fretful dreams!

Luiz Fidelis called me yesterday so we could go today, then he called today saying he couldn’t make it (I wasn’t going to go anyway) and invited me out tomorrow. Then I said I can’t tomorrow. My future-ex romance barely started and it’s gone wrong already. As soon as he showed interest I lost it (or did I get scared?). Honestly!