RJ 08/03/1989 Wednesday – Vestibular UERJ results

RJ 08/03/1989 Wednesday – Vestibular UERJ results

Gustavo was here at 8am. I smoked the second spliff of the year and we listened to Pink Floyd. We had sex (made love, I don’t know which phrase to use). Was it good? Of course. There’s hardly anything better than sex. And because he missed each other it was even better. I had a shower and we sat in the living room, and then back to the bedroom. FIRE!

I washed the dishes and Master Chef Gustavo cooked eggs and sausage. I decided to check the Vestibular result. It was out today but I wasn’t worried at all… It was Gustavo who checked the newspaper for me at the supermarket. Despite my fuck up with History I passed with an average 5.43! Gustavo couldn’t believe I passed and kept asking if that was really my number.

We checked the results at CB, as I needed to buy something, and I was jumping like popcorn with happiness. The queues there were huge and I was just buying a sponge. So, Gustavo walked to the front of a long queue, with a straight face, and asked if he could just pay for the sponge. People in the queue looked pissed off, but Gustavo asked with an angel face if anyone minded, and everyone sort of fake smiled. The funniest thing is that Gustavo is so cheeky without meaning to be! He left and I came home.

I called Maira, Zezé, Ana and Silvana to let them know I passed. I was so happy when Silvana said her average was 4.0, she had to do Maths and Physics and I would have failed. We were just laughing like idiots for ages. Ana also passed! AMAZING!

I hope Gino explodes. Gustavo, NOW!

Silvana called me later to tell me my grades (she went to UERJ). I thought I fucked up the writing essay, but I did extremely well! I got 8,0. I nearly fainted. I got 7,0 in Spanish, 5, 0 in Portuguese/Literature and 1,75 in History… If only I hadn’t missed those 3 questions. I can’t get over it! I could have easily had a 6.0 average. But I passed, that’s the main thing.