RJ 07/04/1989 Friday

RJ 07/04/1989 Friday

Gustavo called me at noon and we talked for ages. My aunt has already gone to Friburgo, so I asked him to stay the night. He said he wasn’t sure! I said he’s afraid to see me and not to get it up again. I said we could just watch tv and eat popcorn, but he’s on a real downer. It feels like he’s afraid to face me. But why? I’m on his side, I just want what’s good for him. My god, why do men feel so bad when they fail? He thinks he’s going mad! He kept saying he doesn’t know if he’s coming… But he needs to face me…

Soon after Ana Claudia called and I went to see her. I told her about my psychological drama (she’s my Gustavo confidant). We went to Martins to talk to Paulão about the barbeque and came here to call everyone and let them know. Barbosa told me he knew I was seeing Gustavo! News spread fast, and incorrectly too. I called Kiko, Indio, Keyla, Silvana, Sherlock… The barbeque is tomorrow in the afternoon. I walked Ana to the bus stop then went to class. UERJ was deserted! It’s like everyone decided to miss Friday class. I left earlier than usual and got home at 21:00. I finished typing the first part of the Portuguese assignment. The first part alone was 3 pages of typing.