RJ 06/10/1989 Monday

RJ 06/10/1989 Monday

Hi! My mum arrives from Brasilia next Wednesday and if she doesn’t get stuck on any other issues we leave on the 15th. Good, because I’m fed up with all this waiting! I should have been there a long time ago but my mother is too complicated. She’s coming back from London in 2 years and if possible I’ll stay there for those 2 years and get two diplomas: English and IT. I’m not just going there for tourism. This will be the LAST time I follow my mother anywhere, I don’t care if I have to wash dishes. I’m not too anxious but my life has been all about this trip in the last couple of years.

I don’t feel like talking about anything else, but let’s try:
My aunt, uncle, Maira and kids are going to Friburgo tomorrow, but Jeison is coming to Rio and wants to see Gabriel during the holiday. Shit’s going to hit the fan, Maira decided to leave Gabriel in Rio today and this will upset Zezé and Gil because they don’t like having Gabriel staying with Jeison because he’s always stepping on the ball (financially speaking). So a lot of crappy things can potentially happen today/tomorrow, including nobody going to Friburgo. I’m not going this time because I need time alone, I’m sick of all these people around me, I want to be alone. Gustavo called and I told them my family is going to Friburgo. He said he’s going to Saquarema and that’s great because I don’t want to see him, or better, I shouldn’t want to see him. I nearly called him yesterday to let him know I’d be staying on my own, but I resisted the impulse. Either way, he called today, I told him and thankfully he’s not coming! I can’t wait to get the hell out of Rio!