RJ 06/07/1989 Thursday

RJ 06/07/1989 Thursday

I was arriving in Brasilia exactly a year ago, for the holidays. My father hasn’t called and this makes it clear that he’s NOT my father. I wrote to Luciana asking if I could stay at her house in the last week of July (when I don’t have classes at Brasas) and because my mum will be there in August I could stay a further two weeks. The letter I sent must be arriving today or tomorrow in Brasilia.

Gustavo called last night before I left to go to University to get my TECOE result. Luiz Fidelis took my number and said he was going to call me for us to go to the cinema. Wow!

I met up with Gustavo this morning at Saens Peña, he went to get his electoral title and then we went to Copacabana to exchange some dollars, but we popped into the beach before going to the jeweller to exchange. The sea was rough, so rough! Some guy lit a joint and Gustavo went to ask him if he could take a toke and the guy refused. What a mean addict! We went to exchange the money. While waiting for the 433 bus Fernanda Montenegro (famous actress) walked past right in front of us. She seems very nice. Gustavo went home and I came to mine, on the way I took out a film from the video store: The Lost Boys. It’s so-so, I thought it would be better than it was…