RJ 06/03/1989 Monday

RJ 06/03/1989 Monday

I think Antonio finally took the hint and hasn’t called since Friday. I hope he never calls again!

On Saturday we went to visit grandad. He’s a bit better but still tripping a bit… Maira and Mrs. Nina went up to Friburgo in the evening. Gabriel comes back from Salvador on 11th or 12th. Then Maira and Mrs. Nina come back down, then up again on the 20th for Julia’s birth. Once she’s born I’m going to be in Friburgo a lot!

I started writing yesterday. I wanted to talk about something different but ended up in Brasilia and all the characters I met. But with a lot of fantasy. My dreams came true, I go out with Henrique, Loirinho and anyone I want. Malu is a better version of me, how I want to be! But I’ve only started and who knows what could happen to me. In these writings it’s not me who leaves, it’s other people.