RJ 05/09/1989 Tuesday

RJ 05/09/1989 Tuesday

Met up with Marcelo Bill this afternoon on the corner of Silva Pinto and Torres Homem and we went to Sans Peña. We went by Keyla’s and she asked us to go with her to buy her bus ticket to Caxambu and off we went. She’d been asking me to go since I got back from Brasilia and I was saying I’d go. Today I said I wasn’t going but she bought me a ticket anyway… So I decided to go. Tomorrow morning we catch the bus at 8:20. I bought two shirts at DROPS and some ankle warmers. I was left with a meagre 100 crz for the trip… I don’t have to pay for the hotel, just meals, but even so! Keyla’s aunt owns the hotel so I can stay for free instead of paying 75crz a day for three days! Happy Holiday!