RJ 04/06/1989 Sunday

RJ 04/06/1989 Sunday

I was sleeping in the afternoon when aunt Italia, who was visiting, woke me up because Gino was on the phone! We hadn’t spoken for about three weeks and he gave me all the gossip. 405 is split. Paula, Manuela and Pollyana are hanging out with the people in the 406 and Renata is alone. Alexandra is still with Cristina and Ivone. Negão moved out to Cruzeiro. Luciana is with Marcos. Gino is jumping from branch to branch, seeing different people every day. He said he’s sick of Brasilia. But I explained that’s how it is, sometimes everyone comes together and then people start falling out and there’s a split. He complained that I’m never going to go, but what can I do? We were on the phone for 40 minutes. It’s more than 2 years he’s been in my life. We were only properly together for 8 months, the rest was long distance. And really being together it was only 3 months, on and off. But instead of it getting weaker, the feelings are still there as is the respect, despite the distance.

Antonio called in the evening, he said he looked for me at UERJ. Of course he didn’t find me, the place is huge!

I dreamt about Gino all night, and Brasilia.

I’m trying to read ‘On the road’ in English, but it’s hard. I get the general context but not the details.