RJ 04/04/1989 Tuesday

RJ 04/04/1989 Tuesday

We got back from Friburgo yesterday, I missed exercise class and Linguistics. We got back at 16:30 but we went to Cofabra. I got lots of stationary but we only got home at 18:00.

I called Gustavo at 20:00ish, he was so depressed he brought me down. I told him to come over and talk to me. He’s feeling very alone… It’s awful feeling alone. My heart tightened. I wish I could solve all his issues with a kiss. I’ll try and see if he comes today. Will he come? I don’t think so. It’s 11am. My God, I really like him!

My grandad Gennaro gets more depressed every day and now a hernia in his digestive system has been found. He operated once about 5 years ago, but he was younger and stronger. The Dr. wants him to do the tests quickly and go under the knife. I don’t know, not sure he’ll make it. He’s lost all interest in life lately. He didn’t want my mum to stay with him so as not to create ‘disorder’ and interfere with the routine… Zezé berated him. Where the hell was my mum going to stay if not at her father’s place? She can’t stay here because her and my uncle hate each other (I’m on my mother’s side on this one, I hate him too). I think Gennaro has given all he had to give…