RJ 03/09/1989 Sunday

RJ 03/09/1989 Sunday

… Hangover…
I went to Keyla’s late afternoon yesterday to keep her company until Valeria came back from a party. Keyla kept insisting that I should go out with them that night but I wasn’t in the mood. Valeria got back with a friend (Cristiane) and Keyla has already arranged to go out with some guy called Celso, they studied together at IBEU. Suddenly I got some fire in my tail and decided to go out. I ran home to pick up some clothes and showered at Keyla’s. Celso arrived at 22:40 with two friends; Alexandre and Elcio. Off we went, in two cars, to pick Gisele up. We wanted to go to Papillon but the guys didn’t want to go there. After much debate we went to Papillon but the queue was immense and we went to Babilonia. Another huge queue full of unpleasant people. Then people wanted to go to Dimplo’s in Barra. So, we drove 50km to decide where to go. The girls wanted to go to a fancy place, full of handsome guys. In Brasilia any place would do because we made it fun. Mind you when the Martins gang went out together any place was also fine. But they wanted to parade their beauty, elegance and futility. Dimplo’s was rubbish for them, they said it was full of whores. I just ignored it and tried to have fun. I drank all the caipirinhas! About 15 went to our table and we were all sipping from them. I got drunk, I danced, I laughed. Then Alexandre asked Valeria for a slow dance, then me and he chatted me up and tried to kiss me on my neck! The last thing I wanted was getting off with someone so I asked him to stop. I sat next to Valeria and she said he tried it on with her. Can you believe it? What an idiot. We just laughed at him. I drank, drank and then I slept a bit around 3:30. We decided to leave at 4:00, but it took half an hour to sort out the bill (there’s always an arsehole who doesn’t want to pay their share and this time it was Cristiane). Me, Gisele, Keyla, Val and Cristiane got home, ate and I went to sleep at 5:15. Woke up at 10am, Gisele and Cristiane left and the three of us came to mine at 15:00, we ate and they left at 18:00 and I watched the Brazil vs. Chile game.

I’m hanging around with the wrong crowd, really. Keyla had never gone out with Celso and on the phone he asked her if she didn’t mind going out in a “poor person’s car”, she said, “of course not, as if! I don’t mind” Then once she put the phone down she seemed very worried, wondering what the car might be. “What if it’s an old van? I’ll die!” I couldn’t believe it and my face showed it. Then she found out he has a VW Bettle and wasn’t impressed. Then they arrived in a Voyage Uno and she saw it from the window and exclaimed “I’m not going to be embarrassed!” Keyla, Valeria, Gisele are the personification of shallowness. They are “refined” girls, desirable, obsessed with money and status… Something I always despised. “We only go out in the Zona Sul”. How bourgeois and spoiled. But, unfortunately, I like them a lot and usually their beliefs don’t bother me so much. And Keyla is very special to me, she was my first friend here and she really supported me. We are very different but it works.