RJ 03/01/1989 Tuesday

RJ 03/01/1989 Tuesday

Today I had my first resit Chemistry class. How dull! Ana said Gustavo told her we had sex. I’ll kill him if I see him! Luckily Ana is not a gossip. Speaking of sex my aunt and cousin had a big argument because of my sex life. It’s because Gino arrives on the 9th and they know we’ve done it. My aunt wants me to go on the pill, without seeing a doctor (I can’t go until the 17th) because she’s terrified I’ll get pregnant (she says it’s enough having Maira with two kids), Maira prefers we use a condom because I smoke, and the pill is bad anyway, and taking it for only a month is pointless. Those two, discussing what I SHOULD DO! Then they moved on to their own problems… Families are crazy. They finally concluded it had nothing to do with them and it’s my problem. What the hell?