RJ 02/09/1989 Saturday – Brasilia

RJ 02/09/1989 Saturday – Brasilia

Yesterday was fun! I went to Keyla’s in the afternoon. Her parents went away and her and Valeria are alone. I stayed all afternoon then they invited me for dinner as Efio was visiting after class. The three of us came to my place to pick up some tapes and a towel and we got back. It rained a lot today! On our way to mine Valeria’s ex, Zé, drove past and stopped (Valeria had gone up to pick up an umbrella because of the heavy rain and when she came back down there he was). He split up with her a month ago and she hadn’t seen him since. It was amusing! It’s amusing seeing other people in this sort of situation. Makes you realise how stupid love can make you act. I’m immune to it at the moment, I’ve been so cold and rational. I’ve never been like this! Valeria was shaking after he left. When we got back to their place she called everyone telling them about the encounter. If Zé hears about it he’s going to feel full of himself.

Keyla and I were in charge of dinner: farofa, chicken, rice and salad. And Caipirinha! Elfio arrived around 22:00. He’s so sweet, his extreme good looks are overshadowed by his personality. Shallow Kiko arrived soon after. I hadn’t seen him for centuries! He’s so shallow, but I can just about talk to him and I have a lot of consideration for him, mostly because he’s also Italian. I’ll never forget the extremely stuck together pasta we made that weekend in Miguel Pereira.

Well, onto dinner. The chicken burned a bit. They took the piss out of our dinner. I say ‘our’ just to show solidarity, all I did was cut the sausage for the farofa! I couldn’t understand why the chicken burned, it was all white in the oven, when we put it on the table it was charred. Kiko said the chicken suffered 4th degree burns. Elfio and Kiko said the best thing about dinner was the Coke. But they ate it all. Especially Elfio! We laid down in the living room. Me, Keyla and Elfio talking on one side, Valeria and Kiko on the other. How I laughed. But then a song that reminded me of Brasilia came on. I only thought about it for a moment. I was in good spirits. Our conversations came together and we left around 2:30am. I might go to Caxambu this holiday.

Here are my Fridays in Brasilia
On my 1st Friday (28/08) we went to the club in the morning and then I went to Conjunto Nacional with Alexandra to buy some tops. In the evening me, Luciana and Raissa went to the Teatro Nacional to watch the dance group Corpo. It was amazing. After the show everyone was waiting for us outside: Marcos, Flavia, Martha, Roberto, Seiki. There were three cars. I was in Marcos’ car with Luciana, Raissa, Tuira and Martha. We went to 405 to pick Gino up. Before going to the theatre I had gone to Gino’s, asking him to come out later. He said he was going to a party on the I block and didn’t know if he was coming. I gave him an angry look and left. Marcos then later said Gino said he was coming. We also picked Carlos Horacio up. We went to Aspone. Gino hates going to bars and had a face on. I just ignored him and spent time with Luciana, who had the argument with Marcos and they were split up. Then I went to ‘look after Gino’, who was already drunk. I’m so sarcastic. I asked Gino what was the matter knowing I had not only ignored him but was also doing the two things he doesn’t like: drinking and smoking! Now I see how patient he was with me, I stepped on the ball (NOTE: pisando na bola, a saying literally translated to English, it just means doing wrong, failing, making mistakes) so many times. Worse was the day he walked past the Hot Dog stand and I was sat on Andre’s lap, apologising for having stood him up. Gino walked straight past. I went to talk to him and he berated me and said he was going to do the same thing (this was on the 14th of August). He didn’t actually do the same but he changed after that, sometimes he ignored me, checked out other girls in front of me… This made me ignore him double. Somehow we always figured things out eventually. But on my last week in Brasilia he did try to give his payback!

After Aspone we bought some wine from Adega and Gino and I were fine. We went to Libanus and sat outside. Then Rodrigo Bocão and Luciana went home and I went with them.

On my 2nd Friday (04/08) it was my birthday. EVERYONE went to Pontão! Before getting there we went to Dani’s party (Tuira and Luis Antonio’s sister), her birthday is on the same day as mine. I went there, then to Libanus and gathered everyone at the I block. That was the night I met Alexandre. We bought wine. Gino was being a bore! Tired, sleepy… Off we went to Pontão. We were there, having a good time. Gino and I were in the car when Patricia shows up, to get Luciana. She was back with Marcos since the previous Saturday. I only found out the reason and that aunt Jo was in the car the next day and I was really perturbed and angry by it. More people arrived and everyone sang a crazy happy birthday to me. There were more than 20 people. I wanted to go to the toilet and Gino didn’t want to come with me (I was dizzy), I got mad and went alone. Alexandra ran after me and we went together. When I came back I just ignored him, I just drank and talked to everyone else. We got back at 2:00 and stayed at Praline’s door: me, Alexandra, Luciano, Sinara, Alexandre and some two other guys. I jokingly told Gino it was all over and was arm in arm with Alexandre, saying he was my new boyfriend. I gave a show, everyone was laughing at my drunken antics, even Gino!

Alexandre turned to me and said he’d love if that was true, I said it was and kissed him on the cheek. Then I got tired of playing and asked Gino if he wanted to get back together, then he sulked and I said I loved him and would die without him… He wasn’t moved by it. Then I got mad and told him to fuck off. I was talking to Alexandra and two guys. Then me, Alexandra and Gino left, we dropped Alexandra home and sat on the A block bench. We were there, talking, kissing, tititi, papapa. Things started to warm up and we had nowhere to go but the stairs. Gino was shaking, his legs were wobbly! We lost our balance and fell on the floor. I laughed so much! After that it was incredible! A thousand times a thousand incredible. He was so tender until he made the biggest mistake someone could make while having sex. I lied on my front and he tried to do anal sex without discussing it first. The idiot didn’t even think I may have never done it before and went in with all his might… My God, I jumped, the pain was incredible! I was surprised and cried a lot. He went red, purple and cried too. I went home after that as it completely killed the mood. It was 5:00am.

On my 3rd Friday Lu wasn’t allowed to go out. So I stayed with Gino. Indescribable! It was 100%! Bench then stairs. It was the best night of my short existence on this Earth, despite the lack of comfort. I never felt so complete! I have nothing left to say, it was the best!

On my 4th and last Friday (18/08) we went to the Tennis Open, me, Gino, Flavia, Marcos, Andre, Tuira, Luciana, Sinara, Seiki, Paula to take photos. I had to drag Gino as he didn’t want to go and we were in crisis already. Everyone went to Libanus after and we sat on the bench, kissing. I didn’t want to go to the stairs again and that was the last time we saw each other…

I just received a letter from Luciana!

All the Brasilia photos here: