RJ 02/07/1989 Sunday

RJ 02/07/1989 Sunday

I watched an amazing film by Alan Parker last night and today. I’m a fan of his, he’s an amazing director. This time I watched Angel Heart (it’s translated as Satanic Heart to Portuguese, which gives the twist away! Why?) with Mikey Rourke and Robert de Niro. Me and Maira had to watch it twice. We were lost for most of it first time and only understood it at the end. Second time we made sense of all the confusion and it all fit together. Some films really mess you up!

This morning the gang from college were going for a picnic at the Parque Laje. I completely forgot and they called me. I didn’t go in the end. Ana called me at 2 inviting me to the beach. At 2pm… I did go. Me, her, Mauro and Claudio (Mauro’s 25 year old cousin).
We went to Barra and we got there at 3pm. It was windy and the sun was weak. At this time of year it’s impossible to get a tan but you can still enjoy the beach.

Claudio liked me and invited me to the cinema sometime. He’s friendly and would probably make a good friend, but that’s it. Unfortunately his intentions and staring weren’t about friendship. Bad luck. AND GUSTAVO? CAN’T GET HIM OUT OF MIND.
I have a test at Brasas tomorrow, to progress to Book 3, so I’m getting an early night. Goodnight.