RJ 02/03/1989 Thursday

RJ 02/03/1989 Thursday

I tried not to think about the History exam, but failed. People kept reminding me of it by asking how I’d done. I finally got my Secondary School Certificate. It looks good. I went to Keyla’s and she insisted I stay there all day , but, not sure why, I came home. As I opened the door the phone rang. I ran to pick it up but it was Antonio. Meh! I thought he’d never call again after I was rude to him. Last week he called me asking me to call him at work to give him an excuse to leave early. I said no and was rude to see if he’d take the hint. He didn’t call for 8 days but now he’s called again and said he’s coming to see me tomorrow. If he shows up I’m going to ask someone to say I’m not here. This is getting annoying!

I’m really missing friends from Martins. Keyla and I were reliving the good times.