RJ 02/01/1989 Monday

RJ 02/01/1989 Monday

Happy New Year!

It started so well. I hope the rest of the year is this good (I’m sure it will be!).

A big group of friends went to Araras to spend NYE at Gisele’s house. Me, Silvana, Gisele, Homero, Marcelinho, Eugeno and Claudia went together by bus, Keyla was there already. I had a bad cold (I need to stop smoking). There were about 40 people there. I drank a lot and some guy called Paul tried to get off with me but I was buzzing too much for kissing. I wanted to have fun. I didn’t stop drinking for a moment, except to eat, but I was only a bit dizzy and my cold felt less bad. Keyla was snogging Guilherme, Marcelo with Silvia. Simone with Paul (the same Paul who tried it on with me)… Imagine the madness: when me, Gisele, Silvana and Claudia were showering Silvana took a photo of us! Me and Gisele were butt naked! The party finished and whoever wasn’t sleeping there left. Me, Silvana, Keyla, Claudia, Homero, Marcelinho, Eugenio, Jaque and Marcelo slept all squashed up on four beds, the rest spread out around the house.

Homero got off with Claudia (which upset Silvana) and his trousers were visibly full of cum – this was before the party finished – so at bed time we ripped the piss out of him. How I laughed. We joked until 5:30 when it rained really hard and there was a power cut and everyone passed out. Everyone was up by 9:30 and we heard about the yacht that sank in Rio and a lot of people died. We went to ACM to play volleyball and go to the sauna. As we were leaving it started raining a lot. We got to Gisele’s soaked and my period arrived. We ate, I smoked a spliff and laid down. I had some crazy auditory hallucinations. I heard very clearly, everyone talking about me, badly, Keyla crying, Andrea fighting with Antonio, Antonio fighting with Guilherme… Some crazy stuff. After I asked people if those things had happened and they laughed at me. I never tripped so hard. In the evening I was back to normal and started drinking, the house was less busy.

We talked and went to lie down at midnight, laughed until 1:30 and slept. We woke up today, cleaned the house up and went back down to Rio. On the bus from Araras-Petropolis me, Silvana, Gisele, Homero, Renato, Eugenio, 2 Marcelos (everyone else went by car) finished 2 litres of wine in 15 minutes. Everyone on an empty stomach. I felt really dizzy, more than yesterday and the day before. We ate and then got the bus to Rio. I passed out and when I woke up we were at the bus station. Everyone went to the beach and I had to come home as I didn’t have any tampax.

What a good time! It was worth it! Roger Rabbit… It was the best New Year’s of my life!

Homero's trousers
Homero’s trousers