RJ 01/10/1989 Monday

RJ 01/10/1989 Monday

Despite the boredom the year has flown by, so fast I only just realised it’s October! It was only the other day I was doing my vestibular exams! Despite the velocity it’s all a bit distant, like it happened a long time ago. Time eats my memories, as if everything that happened didn’t happen to me, but to someone else. Like a film. Many times I relieve scenes and it’s like it wasn’t me doing certain things. And how I’ve changed!

Keyla and I watched Karate Kid III yesterday, as there was nothing else on. Finally, my mother bought my ticket, we’re going via Madrid, where customs aren’t as strict as London’s. Not that we are taking contraband but my mum says it’s unnerving when they go through all your luggage in minute detail.

I’ve had disgusting period pains.