RJ 01/07/1989 Saturday – Baptism at the Umbanda Centre

RJ 01/07/1989 Saturday – Baptism at the Umbanda Centre

Last night was Gabriel and Julia’s christening at the Umbanda Centre, my aunt said she accidentally bought an extra ribbon. When we were having lunch (the whole family), they commented I’ve never been baptised (as my mother is a staunch atheist). Then it was like we had the same idea at once, why not baptise me? We ran out to buy me a candle and all went to the Centre. I wasn’t sure I’d get baptised as it was last minute, but I kept asking in my mind and it happened! When we got there the lecture was almost over.

The G.E.L.C. was quieter than usual, as there were no consultations or work of any type. My aunt and uncle couldn’t be my godparents as they don’t have cabeça feita [NOTE: head made up, I don’t even remember what that means]. I chose Father José (Emilia’s entity) and Indio Tupi to be my godparents. I went after Julia and Gabriel. I was a bit disembodied and was shaking a little. Indio João (NOTE: the “priest”) explained the purpose of the baptism is to open my chakra to allow my guides to get closer to me. He put a bit of oil on my head, forehead, chest, hands. Then he put salt in my mouth, threw water on my head and took me to the altar. I had goosebumps! He gave me my flower, the candle and ribbon. My godparents gave me my blessings. It all took 10 minutes. It was very beautiful. I felt such a relief! As if a weight was lifted off my shoulders. I was baptised within a religion I like.

UERJ: So far I passed in three subjects, Linguistics, Theory of Literature and Latin. Portuguese and TECOE results are out next week. After TECOE exam on Weds me, Marilia, Wanderleia, Luis, Isaias and Luciana went to watch a dance show, at the university’s main theatre. The PE students organised it. It was great. The technical ability wasn’t that great, nor were they great dancers, but if you saw 20 grown man, with two left feet, dressed as native Indians and dancing to Xuxa, you’d laugh pretty hard too. Some of the other acts were more proficient, but there were other funny ones too.

I got home at 23:00. On Thursday night I went to the PE June Party (that’s such a great course! Wish I’d done that instead!) and after the Portuguese exam we went to the car park. So many amazing looking guys in Physical Education! Half way through the party I noticed two guys in our class checking me out. I nearly got off with Luiz, but Daniel wouldn’t give us space. Luiz lives in New Iguaçu and had to leave early. It was a struggle to get rid of Daniel, but this is a boring subject.

Gustavo called me on Thursday afternoon, saying he was in Grajaú, and for a change, I didn’t invite him over. He said he was in Grajaú, DOING NOTHING and I said ‘oh, really?’ Why am I so proud? He said he went to Grajaú on Saturday and then to FESOG (we nearly bumped into each other) and then to Leblon. He had the nerve to tell me he didn’t like that I went out with Antonio and regretted not coming out that night. He asked if I got off with Antonio. I tried to be as cold as possible but failed. Later on Antonio came here and we talked for 1.5 hours, downstairs. He pays me so many compliments, puts me on a pedestal and makes me feel good. He restores my self-esteem.