RJ 01/03/1989 Wednesday – Vestibular

RJ 01/03/1989 Wednesday

I got up and went to buy O Globo newspaper to check the exam answers and I fucked up! Can you believe what I did??? The History exam had 7 questions… And I only saw 4! What a fucking imbecil. Worst of all, I knew the answer to the other 3 questions. I cried with anger. Why didn’t I turn the page, why??? It can only be tension, nerves. I’ve been feeling tense but I never thought I’d get to this point. FUCK!

I called Luciana in the evening. She said she cheated on Marcos with a guy from 305, I know him but can’t remember his name. What’s his fucking name? I’m really going insane… Ah, it’s Joca.