RJ 01/02/1989 Wednesday

RJ 01/02/1989 Wednesday

I cleaned the flat up in the morning and exercised from 9-11. I never sweated this much and I ache all over. I’m too eager. I’ll do the same tomorrow. I went to see Keyla in the afternoon (she’s back from Araras), Lu and Carla were there. Carla finished with her boyfriend of 18 months, Ruy, because he gave her a really nasty venereal disease. Carla can’t even go to the beach, she spends the whole day putting medication on herself. What a son of a bitch! If he was having sex with Carla why did he have to fuck other people? Disgusting! Now he’s chasing after her but she’s not interested and even found another boyfriend. You go Carla!

Keyla, Carla and Val are going to Caxambu. We were going to Cabo Frio and I was going to surprise Gino, but that isn’t going to happen. Gisele and Silvana went South. Barbosa is already locked up at EFOMM (Escola de Formação de Oficiais da Marinha Mercante). He’s made, he gets lots of cash to study with the Mercantil Marine. Ana came back from Muriqui and I’m going to visit her tomorrow.

I’m spending carnival in Friburgo. Keyla invited me to Caxambu, but I only wanted to go to Cabo Frio, so I’m staying with family instead, watching the fun on TV. Another pointless, lost carnival. Remember 88? This is so fucked up.

I dreamt I was in Martins and I hugged Gustavo really hard in front of the whole school.

Gina called here, I feel so attuned with her, wish I could hold her and help her, but I can only pray for her. She asked me if I had stopped crying already (?) as she knew I was sad(?), and if I wanted to talk to my mum to give her a call. She’s not making any sense in conversation. She’s too sensitive, maybe that’s why she lost it. I wish I could understand how she lost the equilibrium. It seems so complicated!