London 31/10/1989 Tuesday

London 31/10/1989 Tuesday

Today we went to a police station to get a Green Card for me (an Id card for foreigners), then Post Office, then Banco do Brasil… My mum took me to Saint Paul’s cathedral. The weather here is completely crazy! One minute it’s sunny, then the wind blows and it rains, then it’s sunny and warm, then cold and more rain… My mum made me eat a disgusting vegetarian meal, but I was so hungry I ate it all.

Today we are looking for a place to live in the British Council and they offered us a flat in the north of London. For £105 a week, one bedroom, furnished, with tv and phone, central heating. It’s a LOT of money, it’s 50% of my mum’s grant! We saw a three bedroom house for £180, in a better location, which we would share. It’s the same price in the end but I’d have my own bedroom. However, we would have to find someone to share very quickly, as Carmen is back on the 9th and her studio is too small.

In the evening we went looking for English courses, but they only have places in January! It’s a better course and cheaper, so I’ll just not do much until then. Will also start a short course in computing in January. In September I intend to start a degree either in Biology or TV (haha, what a contrast!), by doing this I can stay here for longer.

I’m stressed out, I want us to have our own place NOW!

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