London 29/10/1989 Sunday

London 29/10/1989 Sunday

With rain coming down we took the tube to Waterloo and to the banks of the Thames. I really like wearing those long coats down to my knees. The rain was very light and thin and constant. Annoying… We sat down in a restaurant and I tried tea with milk, tasty! Meanwhile a man played violoncello next to us. So melancholic. We got back and walked around Euston station. I bought a birthday card for my cousin and wrote to her. It’s weird, but I don’t feel like writing to anyone. I have completely switched off from the other side of the Atlantic, it just seems to have happened this way. There are so many new things there seems to be no time to look back.

But… my dreams. they compensate for the forgetfulness that happens during the waking hours. Last night, half asleep and half awake I heard the phone ringing and a woman speaking in English: ‘there was an accident, a tragic accident’ but I couldn’t understand the rest. Then I started to feel really shivery, so shivery it hurt, to the depths of my soul, and I woke up. It was awful. After worrying for 10 minutes I went back to sleep. I dreamt that my aunt and I were going to Friburgo and my aunt was driving. I was screaming that we shouldn’t go because I had a dream about it, a dream about an accident, and it was a warning!

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